20 x Gripple Plus Large Wire Joiners
Gripple Tensioners provide a quick way to join and tension wire fencing – up to five times faster than traditional methods.

Gripple tensioners can be used on plain, barbed or electric wire and, on all types of stock fence. 

They can be used when installing fencing, as well as for quick and cost-effective fencing repairs.

They are adjustable and can be re-tensioned year after year.

Gripple Plus wire tensioners/joiners feature the following

Ergonomic design delivering optimal load performance.
Able to withstand extreme weather conditions, temperatures, humidity, dynamics and impact.
The clever combination of zinc, ceramics and stainless steel produce a mechanism which absorbs the load and resists the effects of the environment.
The patented ceramic locking mechanism delivers better grip, is stronger, takes higher strain and provides superior corrosion resistance for strong performance year after year.
Easy wire entry and smoother push-fit action.
The Gripples rock hard, ceramic mechanism locks onto the wire resulting in a bond that will last season after season and will deal with the extremely hard high-tensile wires we use today.
You can use the built in positional release key to undo a Gripple which may have travelled too far along a strand of wire.

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