Garden Fencing
Garden fencing comprises mainly of fence panels, trellis, closeboard fencing, picket fencing and in some cases chain link fencing. It is sometimes known as domestic fencing as it is mainly used in domestic applications. Fence panels tend to be the most cost effective way of creating a boundary in your garden but being 1.8m wide you end up with more posts than you would on a closeboard fence with 3m bays. Our panels come in waney edge overlap or closeboard and are made in a chunky spec.
Closeboard is the traditional way of fencing in the garden and is constructed on site using posts, arris rails, featheredge, gravel board, stumps, cleats counter rail and capping rails. Our own closeboard spec comes in green or brown and uses a 125x100mm round topped post with an extra large capping rail and ended counter rail to create the strongest fence possible, it also looks nice and chunky.
All of our ground contact timbers are Highway Specification Treated or otherwise known as DOT Spec. Traditional picket fencing offers a great way of fencing off an area while keeping it from feeling closed in. We offer pointed, round and flat top picket fencing and can offer a range of heights and finished to meet your requirements from PAR or sawn finish and hardwood or softwood. Trellis is available in convex, concave and we can also source continental panels. We also have around 20 pallets of post mix in stock at any one time.

Farm fencing normally consists of agricultural stock fencing or post and rail. We keep lots of different types of stock netting from Tornado who cater for a large variety of different animals. With different types of netting for keeping animals in an area such as sheep, pheasants, cows, horses, deer, dogs, poultry and many more. Netting for keeping animals out of an area such as badger, deer. HT netting is mainly used to keep animals out while LHT is for keeping animals in. We also stock very high quality rabbit netting which is usually combined with other netting to stop rabbits getting into fields.
Post and rail can be combined with stock netting to create a really strong barrier as well. We keep chestnut or sawn softwood post and rail in stock and can also source oak to order.

Commercial fencing projects can vary widely depending on the application required. V Mesh is the most popular mesh security fence we supply it’s very economic and simple to fit using preholed SHS posts and security clips, heights range from 1.8m to 3m. V mesh is widely used by school’s, Sports recreating grounds, domestic and light industrial units. Twinguard 656 and Twinguard 858 Mesh is a stronger mesh fence which is supplied as flat mesh panels and uses larger section SHS posts with Clamp Bars and security bolts to fit, heights range from 1.2m to 6m. Twinguard is widely used for mid security fencing, zoo’s, hardstanding or 3g sports pitches that require a rebound fence. Steel Palisade fencing is made up of Angle Iron Rails, RSJ Posts, ‘W’ or ‘D’ Section Palisades at varying thicknesses of 2mm, 2.5mm or 3mm and all security fixings required.
Steel Palisade is the most popular overall security fence due to its quick and easy installation. Steel Palisade is widely used all over the country for roadsides, network rail, all size industrial estates, schools, shops, farms and many other applications.
Railing Fencing can be supplied as bow top, vertical bar, or vertical bar with finial tops and is mostly used for recreation grounds, schools and commercial units. Bow top fencing is regularly supplied as a playsafe specification to ensure compliance with ROSPA.
All types of security fencing can be supplied as Galvanised only or Galvanised and PPC standard or non-standard RAL colours. With all ranges of Commercial fencing projects we can supply pedestrian and vehicle access swing gates, cantilever sliding gates and ROSPA compliant hinges and closers. Bespoke commercial timber and metal projects can be supplied and advised upon.
Treated Timber
Treated timber products for fencing have been somewhat of an issue within the fencing industry since CCA treatment was banned by the EU in 2006. For this reason we have chosen to supply most of our ground contact timber to meet the highways specification for timber treatment otherwise known as DOT or department of transport spec.
Concrete posts have become increasingly popular due to their lifespan and durability. Concrete posts come in a variety of options, Morticed & recessed posts for closeboard, slotted posts for panels or retaining walls, universal holed posts for wire fencing and posts for chain link fencing. Concrete posts for fencing can be used for fencing heights ranging from 750mm up to 3m Tall.
Concrete spurs are a very popular option to install on either a new fence with timber posts to ensure a longer life of the fence should rot occur or they can be used to repair old fences that have rotten and need to be propped back up again.
Concrete Gravel Boards are also very popular due to their strength in retaining soil and longer lifespan compared to a normal timber gravelboard. We also stock concrete trough stands to raise water troughs and keep them off the ground, making it easier for livestock to drink and also to extend the lifespan of the trough due to keeping away from ground contact.
We can also source Concrete Walling, Concrete Panels, Concrete Trough Stands and Concrete pipe all for various agricultural uses including but not limited too silage pits, Bulk storage for fertilizer, slurry and grain.
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